i am going to ask you something. something simple, really. what would it be like to not have shoes? i know it's something we take for granted and for most of us, it's pretty hard to conceptualize. however - today there are over 300 million people in the world who do not have shoes and are forced to walk around horrible conditions. not only is this unsafe physically, but the ramifications of looking down constantly holds a negative emotional effect as well. it's demeaning and robs these people of their dignity and confidence.
it doesn't have to be like this.
Soles4Souls is a Nashville based charity who has one mission - get shoes to people who need shoes. a couple weeks ago wayne elsey, founder soles4souls, and anne jackson, author of mad church disease, brainstormed about ways to get this message out to as many people as possible using social media. they came up with www.50000shoes.com - a website challenging people to donate 5 bucks. yeah - that's it. 5 bucks. this in turn would buy 2 pairs of shoes and provide protection for those in need.
this doesn't end here, though. this morning, at least 150 bloggers will blog about this campaign and spread the word via the internet. we need you to turn around and spread the word to those you know. here's the math:
if 500 people influence 10 people to donate, and those people influence 5 more, that's 50,000 pairs of shoes (remember - 5 bucks buys 2 pairs!)
please help this become a reality. anne and wayne believe we can raise enough for 100,000 pairs, and i wholeheartedly agree. i have seen what happens when people come together for change and truly believe they can make a difference.
oh and, you can win a trip to Mexico.
if you donate online, you are automatically entered for a chance to travel to Mexico to give shoes. can you imagine giving someone their first pair of shoes???
i said it was going to be quick, and i speak the truth.
50000shoes.com - donate today.
tell your friends.
change a life.